About us

Totteri Studios was founded as an independent game development studio in 2020 by two students in the south of Sweden. Mainly participating in international game development contests, the two-man team behind Totteri has managed to reach great acclaim with their unique approach to atmosphere and narration.

Jacob Johansson: Developer/Graphic Designer at Totteri Studios



Jacob Johansson

Developer/Graphic Designer

Good with computers since a young age, Jacob is able to turn any idea into reality. Jacob’s talent for graphical design also lies at the foundation for Totteri’s aesthetic expression. Jacob also likes to cook and eat good food.

[email protected]

Nils Borné: Game Designer/Writer at Totteri Studios



Nils Borné

Game Designer/Writer

Nils is the creative lead behind Totteri and is always finding something for Jacob to do. Nils’ passion for writing stories lies behind the highly praised narrative experiences in Totteri’s portfolio. Nils also likes studying old buildings.

[email protected]

Totteri Studios is now developing a unique narrative adventure set in a sci-fi world. “PROJECT VZN” will be released on Windows and Android devices at launch. Stay connected on our social media platforms for more information!

Updated July 19, 2023